Thank you all for your support, for your help, for your visits, from the UK, USA, Ukraine, Russia, Romania , Morocco, and all Africa, Australia, Portugal, France, Germany, Italy, Poland, India, excuse me if I forgot some Countries because we receive visits from 80 Countries.
We all know Ricardo is not in a very good moment of his Career but we are still having every day more visits and we Want you to Keep Supporting Ricardo , I'm really sure Ricardo will get over this bad moment and, I'm showing my confidence making this page and paying for the ".Net" domain. Now We have to work Hard in the Blog. Please leave comments HERE . Just Thank You""

Ahora el blog es .Muchas Gracias a TODOS por su apoyo. Mi Saludo especial a los Latinos amantes del Fútbol y seguidores de Ricardo, que siempre nos visitan desde Colombia, Uruguay, Venezuela, Brazil, Chile, Peru, Argentina, y a todos los del Norte y el Caribe, Honduras, Guatemala, Panamá, Costa Rica, Mexico,EEUU y también a España. No me quiero olvidar de nadie. A a pesar del no muy buen momento de Ricardo, demuestro mi confianza pagando e l Hosting ".net" y por eso quiero que nos sigan apoyando. Ahora a laburar en el Blog, esto ya no es por diversión XD, Dejen Comentarios abajo please! O AQUÍ .Para mi es importante saber que apoyan al Blog! . Muchas Gracias a todos.

Ringraziamo tutti quanti per il vostro sostegno, per il vostro aiuto, per le vostre visite da Regno Unito, USA, Ucraina, Russia, Romania, Marocco, Africa, Australia, Portogallo, Francia, Germania, Italia, Polonia, India, scusate se ho dimenticato qualche paese ma noi riceviamo visite da circa 80 paesi.
Tutti noi sappiamo che Ricardo non sta attraversando un bel periodo della sua carriera ma noi stiamo ricevendo sempre più visite e vogliamo che voi continuiate a sostenere Ricardo, siamo sicuri che Ricardo supererà questo brutto momento e stiamo mostrando la nostra fiducia costruendo questo sito e pagando il campo ".Net". Adesso dobbiamo lavorare duramente per questo blog. Perfavore commentate QUI. Tante grazie ancora!

4 Response to "Now will be"
El Blog Avanza!
WE want Quaresma to stay in chelsea but not loan he is better than Ronaldo , messi and kaka but THe problem is HE is not famous as them if he was Madrid WOn't let This Man Stay in chelsea they Would if Get him instead Of Ronaldo UR the BEst Ricardo .
From AFrica,Ethiopia
Ricardo Quaresma should leave Inter and Chelsea if and only if he can play at first team football and his joining team must appear in the Champions League. At above, both options are applicable for Quaresma that he should join Besiktas JK as soonest as possible. I do not even saying that Besiktas JK supporters are the biggest supporters all around the world by breaking so many world records up to now.
ricardo quaresma es el mejor
aki dsd chile apollando a RQ
forza RQ
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