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Inter Friendly In July


16 Luglio: Inter - Selezione Locale (a Los Angeles)
19 Luglio: Inter - Club America (a Palo Alto)
21 Luglio: Inter - Chelsea (a Pasadena)
26 Luglio: Inter - Milan (a Boston)
30 Luglio: Trofeo Pirelli-Sky, Inter - Monaco (a Montecarlo)


July 16th: Inter Milan - Local Team (Los Angeles)
July 19th: Inter Milan - Club America (Palo Alto)
July 21th: Inter Milan - Chelsea (Pasadena)
July 26th: Inter Milan - Milan (Boston)
July 30th: Pirelli-Sky Cup, Inter - Monaco (Montecarlo)

1 Response to "Inter Friendly In July"

Burak EFE said...

Come on Quaresma!!! all BJK fans can not leave their computers for the good news that says " Quaresma joins BJK". From now on you need a club in which you can show your wonderful skills. And that team is absolutely BJK!!! You need us and WE NEED YOU!!! Come and join BJK and become a legend for us. Do not hesitate that YOU WILL BE THE KING OF TURKEY AND EUROPE!!!